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What I Wish I Knew


90% of women believe there's still stigma around talking about feeling unprepared postpartum. 


With 1 in 5 women experiencing postpartum anxiety or depression (me included), let's start talking, preparing and empowering women during pregnancy and newly postpartum.


So coming from a mother who had no frickin' idea what was beyond birth (not even the 'fourth trimester'), here's everything I wish I had known postpartum (well not everything. This will be constantly updated, a live, working platform).


These honest, open interviews would have helped me recover and heal better/faster, they would have helped me bond with my baby, maybe even helped me not get PPD (who knows) or at least been kinder to myself...

Knowledge is power.

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Kylie Rankin

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist and Owner at Pivotal Physio.

What you can do straight after giving birth that will help you heal (whether vaginal or c section) thats better than kegels. Understand the pelvic floor and whether every woman should be checked after having a baby.

Alyce Seneca

NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist.

How to manage stress, sitting on pillows meditating for hours. How this impacts the body. What our minds have to do with stress and a simple techniques to put less pressure on ourselves as mums and shut that monkey mind up.

Nikita Gardiner

Midwife and Owner of Embrace Midwifery.

We go into the fourth trimester and Nikita gives us some great midwife tips and tricks to help us recover. We talk all the fun stuff thats not talked about around bleeding, poo, mastitis, breastfeeding and more.

Allison Buckley

Women's Health Naturopath

We go into the fourth trimester and Nikita gives us some great midwife tips and tricks to help us recover. We talk all the fun stuff thats not talked about around bleeding, poo, mastitis, breastfeeding and more.

Dr Angie Willcocks

Perinatal Psychologist

Baby blues, what is it, why do we get it and what is the difference between the blues and something more like postpartum depression and anxiety. How mums can shift perspective to cope better. How to know if you are depressed or struggling and re medications actually helpful for mums postpartum or is there a better solution?

Dr Buzz (Susan) Tidy

Chiropractor and owner at Spine Care

What are chiropractors, what is that cracking noise people dislike and how can mums pregnant and postpartum heal from being adjusted. Buzz shares one of her most powerful labour experiences after being adjusted and what she did for her son when he couldn't latch.

Lara Jezeph

Pre and Postnatal Trainer, Yin Yoga Instructor, Certified Life Coach and your host.

How to exercise postpartum, why 'bouncing back' is BS and what myths are being shared in the fitness industry that's putting so much pressure on mums to get their 'pre baby body back'. How to have fun exercising and why your mindset around food and what your poo looks like, matters.

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